Volunteer For
Money Matters
Volunteer For
Money Matters

Thank you for your interest in helping teach young adults about financial responsibility! To volunteer for Money Matters, simply complete the online volunteer form.
Volunteers receive:
1 RCH credit
A Citation of Recognition from Executive Director Dan Maddux
Contest Credit
All local chapter members who volunteer are counted towards the National Education Champion Regional Contest
Money Matters Curriculum
PayrollOrg teamed up with the Council for Economic Education to create a special Bringing Home the Gold lesson plan for Money Matters.
The structured lesson teaches the elements of a paycheck, the amount of taxes expected to be withheld, how taxes are calculated, and various options to receive pay. It is designed for young adults new to the workforce or about to enter the workforce.
Each volunteer will receive a copy of the teaching materials after registering. Whether you volunteer to teach online or in a classroom, the presentation is optimized to be presented both virtually and in-person.